I came across this morning interview with George Rainsford and Olympic rower, Sarah Winckless on BBC Morning Live.
It was posted by the Huntington's Disease Association on LinkedIn, and shows George's portrayal of Huntington's Disease in the TV show 'Casualty', and how Sarah was able to contribute towards George's character. I thought it was a great interview, especially Sarah's own story and the effort that George put in to playing his role correctly.
It got me thinking about other media representation of Huntington's Disease, and wanted to know what other tv shows or movies you've seen HD being represented in and what you thought about it?
The show Neighbours has a character Chloe who has tested positive to Huntington's disease but not symptomatic yet. Unfortunately Neighbours will cease filming in June so wont be able to see how/if the disease progresses with the charater. When Huntington's disease was first introduced to Neighbours they did highlight some main issues. How Chloe was tested and her responses. Chloe's mum being gene positive. Chloe having 2 brothers and their resonses to whether to get tested or not. Eventually both were tested. 1 was negative and the other was in the "grey area". The episodes went over approx 1 month but the information and experiences appeared very accurate. Lynne loved watching the show because of this and would often tell others about it.
Another to add to the list... Virgin River on Netflix! I'll be interested to see how this storyline plays out!
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